I got tagged by Megan. Here’s the deal: I pick 5 o…

I got tagged by Megan. Here’s the deal: I pick 5 occupations on the list below and tell what I’d do if I had them. Then I tag 3 people, and they post the answers on their blog.

Here’s the list: If I could be a scientist…If I could be a farmer…If I could be a musician…If I could be a doctor…If I could be a painter…If I could be a gardener…If I could be a missionary…If I could be a chef…If I could be an architect…If I could be a linguist…If I could be a psychologist…If I could be a librarian…If I could be an athlete…If I could be a lawyer…If I could be an inn-keeper…If I could be a professor…If I could be a writer…If I could be a llama-rider…If I could be a bonnie pirate…If I could be an astronaut…If I could be a world famous blogger…If I could be a justice on any one court in the world…If I could be married to any current famous political figure…

If I could be a bonnie pirate, considering that I don’t know what a bonnie pirate is, if I was a regular pirate I’d storm the seven seas in search of treasure, I’d upgrade my boat to something a little more luxurious, and I’d live to tell about it.

If I could be a gardener, I’d create all the pretty flowers in such a way that deer would not like them. That way my tulips can live longer than a day.

If I could be a librarian I’d let people talk louder than a whisper and I’d allow food as well. I’d also let people check out reference books so they don’t have to spend lots of money on making copies.

If I could be a linguist I’d apply for the Amazing Race, get on it and use my language advantage to win it all.

If I could be a Llama-Rider I would train enough people to ride to start a new sporting league- Llama Polo.

I now tag Timbo, R.M. and Debby. Tag! You’re it!

One thought on “I got tagged by Megan. Here’s the deal: I pick 5 o…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Dinky, increase the font size on your posts…it’s like trying to read while through somebody else’s eyeglasses prescription.

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